Company Description
By setting the standard for extended-reach tools, TTS Drilling Solutions can help any client reach its targeted depths. Our company, based in Oklahoma, is dedicated to expanding upon proven technologies and practices already available within the oil and gas industry. The need for extended-reach tools is steadily increasing in the industry as horizontal sections of wells continue to get longer and longer and as operators strive to maximize production. TTS Drilling Solutions' line of XRVT tools outperform those of its competitors, and our partnership with customers is no different. Focused on providing not only innovate and enhanced products but also superior customer service, TTS Drilling Solutions will work to help you find the best solution for your next drilling operation.
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Products & Services
Products , News/Events , NO FLUID COMPATIBILITY ISSUES , INCREASED SLIDING ROP , drilling , NO TEMPERATURE LIMITATION , Case Studies , Safety Joints , Performating , Open Hole Perforator , Technical Info , Testing , Drilling XRV , Casing , Casing XRV , Careers , NO BIT OR BHA PLUGGING , EXCELLENT FACE CONTROL , XRVT tools , EXTENDED REACH DRILLING TOOL , Vibratory Tools , Downhole Data Recorder