Company Description
Klassen Blade Contracting Ltd. specializes in land clearing projects. The mulching machines we use are specifically designed to turn trees and brush into mulch in minutes. We offer a NO BURN land clearing service, the most in-expensive, efficient and environmentally safe method. Our services include, Oil/Gas Lease development and maintenance, Pipeline ROW development and maintenance, Utility Line clearing, Trail Development, Land management and pasture renovation, Survey and fence line clearing, Fire breaks / access lanes, Forest thining, After timber harvest clean up, Vegetation Control, and Ditches and line of sights. Klassen Blade Contracting Ltd has developed a safety program - our Occupational Health and Safety manual covers all areas of safety concerns. We believe the safety of our employees, equipment and surrounding area should be a main concern. We have a SECOR certification and are members of the ISNetworld and Comply works. We also carry adequate WCB and Liability Insurance.
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Products & Services
Pipeline ROW development and maintenance , Land Clearing , Land management and pasture renovation , Fire breaks / access lanes , After timber harvest clean up , Utility Line clearing , Forest thinning , Mulching , Trail Development , Brush Clearing , Ditches and line of sights , Vegetation control , FireSmart Support , Oil/Gas Lease development , Survey and fence line clearing