Company Description
In business since 1906, Dendoff Springs is a manufacturer and distributor of custom precision Springs.
All shapes & sizes – both Coil and Leaf Springs.
Hot and Cold Wound Coil Springs: Compression, Extension, Torsion, Spiral, & Clock Motor.
Wire Forms, Metal Stampings, & Flat Forms.
Specialty Metal Fabrications include HD Chain, Sway Bars, Shaker Springs, Chipper Blades, Froes,
De-barker blades, Draw Bars, & U-Bolts.
From single Proto-types to volume production runs.
Serving a wide variety of industries and applications including, Industrial, OEM, Rail, Oil & Gas, Mining, Aerospace, Automotive, and Light Duty to Heavy Duty Truck & Trailer.
Spring design services and testing available.
Ensured Quality Springs since 1906.
Photos & Videos
Products & Services
Hot and Cold Wound Coil Springs: Compression, Extension, Torsion, Spiral, & Clock Motor , Spring design services and testing available , SPECIALTY SPRINGS , Manufacturer and distributor of custom precision Springs , Wire Forms, Metal Stampings, & Flat Forms , All shapes & sizes – both Coil and Leaf Springs , extension springs , Automotive , STOCKED SPRINGS , Toyota RAV4 Upgrade , Serving a wide variety of industries and applications including, Industrial, OEM, Rail, Oil & Gas, Mining, Aerospace, Automotive, and Light Duty to Heavy Duty Truck & Trailer , u-bolts , Heavy Duty Trucks & Trailers , SUSPENSION COMPONENTS , springs , DIE SPRINGS , torsion springs , MANUFACTURING SERVICES , compression springs , FLAT & WIRE FORMS , From single Prototype to volume production runs , Locomotive/Railcar , Overloads , Specialty Metal Fabrications include HD Chain, Sway Bars, Shaker Springs, Chipper Blades, Froes, De-barker blades, Draw Bars, & U-Bolts , leaf springs , DESIGN SERVICES
coil springs , metal stampings , Springs , metal fabrication , LEAF SPRINGS , u-bolts , COMPRESSION SPRINGS , wire forms , hot wound springs , EXTENSION SPRINGS , TORSION SPRINGS , flat springs